OPM Should Move Swiftly to Implement the 2019 Pay Increase

Press Release February 25, 2019

Washington D.C. – The Office of Personnel Management should move swiftly to implement the 2019 federal pay raise and publish the new detailed salary information as soon as possible, National Treasury Employees Union President Tony Reardon said.

In a letter sent Monday, Reardon urged OPM Acting Director Margaret Weichert to publish the revised 2019 pay tables so federal employees around the country can see exactly how much money they will earn this year and ensure that employees receive their higher pay rate in the earliest possible paycheck.

“As employees continue to struggle with the lasting impacts of the 35-day government shutdown as well as increased costs of living, it is imperative that the pay increase be implemented as soon as possible,” Reardon wrote.

Congress disregarded the administration’s enacted pay freeze and instead approved an average 1.9 percent increase, which was signed into law 10 days ago. The raise, which is retroactive to the first full pay period of the year, includes 1.4 percent across the board and 0.5 percent for locality pay.

The pay tables that accompany the executive order implementing the raise contain precise salary information for General Schedule employees at every level and in every geographic location. Employees rely on the information to conduct financial planning for the year.

“We encourage OPM to get this vital information out to the federal workforce and to process these payments immediately,” Reardon said. “The personal finances of many federal employees were severely disrupted by the partial government shutdown, and it is important that they receive their higher rate of pay as soon as possible.”

NTEU represents 150,000 employees at 33 federal agencies and departments.  

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