From protecting your workplace rights to protecting your wallet, there are great benefits to being an NTEU member. Along with these benefits, NTEU members are backed by the collective strength of a union.

Having a say in decisions affecting your work life is one great benefit that nonmembers do not have. Here are other workplace-improving benefits you have as an NTEU member:
Influence workplace decisions. With NTEU, your opinions matter. You can vote to elect your chapter leaders and play an active role in your chapter’s affairs. You can influence and ratify new contracts NTEU has bargained on your behalf.
Become part of - and vested in - a powerful organization that fights for your rights. The many rights and benefits enjoyed by federal employees didn’t come easily. No one handed them to us, not Congress, not the White House, not any federal agency. NTEU members won them, at the bargaining table, through legislation and by having a voice in the workplace.
Gain expert insight into important issues in your workplace and throughout the federal sector. The union’s flagship publication, the NTEU Bulletin, provides in-depth coverage of federal employee news as well as columns on retirement and workplace rights. For breaking news and alerts, NTEU has a weekly e-Bulletin. There are also a number of specialized digital publications and updates exclusively for NTEU members.