The Supreme Court will soon hear arguments in a case that affects some – but not all – public sector employee unions.
At issue are the fees that certain state and local government employees must pay to help defray collective bargaining costs, even if they choose not to join the union.
A state employee from Illinois is challenging a union’s ability to collect such fees from nonmembers, and the case is considered a threat to the finances of the affected unions and the strength of public sector unions in general.
The case does not impact NTEU or any union in the federal sector. Some of the media coverage of the case may not be making that clear.
However, NTEU is following the case very closely. An assault on public sector unions is very troubling and NTEU stands with them as they fight this case.
The Supreme Court case, Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31, will be argued before the justices next year.