As National President, one of my jobs is to serve as the voice for NTEU members. And in this role, I often find myself dispelling myths about federal workers—from your pay and benefits, to the size of the federal workforce, to the important nature of your work.
That’s why I jumped at the chance to be a guest blogger on GovLoop—an online community of government leaders— for a series of posts I’m calling “Know Your Facts.”
My first blog post debunks five common—and exceedingly frustrating—myths about your pay and argues for a fair raise for the federal workforce. I fight back with facts against claims that federal workers are overpaid compared with private-sector counterparts and haven’t sacrificed enough toward budget savings.
Stay tuned for my next blog post setting the record straight on another key federal employee issue. This column is one example of NTEU’s tireless efforts to seize every possible opportunity to promote federal employees and advocate on your behalf in every venue—from the halls of Congress, to workplaces nationwide and even to the blogosphere.